Change highlight in pdf for mac
Change highlight in pdf for mac

change highlight in pdf for mac

Save: Save shared screen / whiteboard and annotations as a PNG or PDF.Redo: Redo your latest annotation that you undid.Format: Change the formatting options of annotations tools like color, line width, and font.Eraser: Click and drag to erase parts of your annotation.Vanishing Pen (only available if you started the shared screen or whiteboard): Allows the presenter to annotate on the whiteboard or shared screen without having to erase or undo their last addition, as the annotation will fade away within a couple of seconds.You can use this feature to point out your annotations to other participants. Each subsequent click will remove the previous arrow placed. Click to insert an arrow that displays your name. Arrow: Displays a small arrow instead of your mouse pointer.Use this to point out parts of the screen to other participants. Spotlight (only available if you started the shared screen or whiteboard): Displays your mouse pointer to all participants when your mouse is within the area being shared.Spotlight / Arrow / Vanishing Pen: Turn your cursor into a spotlight or arrow.Stamp: Insert predefined icons like a check mark or star.Note: To highlight an area of the shared screen or whiteboard, select following square or circle icon to insert a semi-transparent square or circle. Draw: Insert lines, arrows, and shapes.

change highlight in pdf for mac

To select several annotations at once, click and drag your mouse to display a selection area.

  • Select (only available if you started the shared screen or whiteboard): Select, move, or resize your annotations.
  • This button is blue if annotation tools are deactivated.
  • Mouse: Deactivate annotation tools and switch to your mouse pointer.

  • Change highlight in pdf for mac